People in your neighborhood or community living on the fringes of society may never have realized employment opportunities in good economic times or even during period of major economic recovery due to the practice of Stealing Employment.
From countless employment searches, they may have held only jobs that have lead to temporary employment with unexplained, and abrupt discharges from employment. They may be the victims of Job Thieft.
They may have done the leg work to find employment, presented their resume, competed with other candidates, gotten the interview to be removed from consideration upon investigation of their resume.
The Employment Thieves will offer a better more experienced candidate for the job at lower wages, or else disqualify further any employment of the Job Seeker to push through their Client for employment. The Employment Thief, will also act to disqualify the Job Seeker either as employee, or during the employment investigation. Prospective Job candidates behind the Job seekers will also be disqualified for employment when the Job thief closes in on the Job Opening for their Client. Any six month flow-up after the position is filled will never exists, because the Job Thief can always offer a replacement directly from his or her Resources of Clients through negotiations with the Employer.
In return, the Employment Thief gets an up front commission from their Client. They depend upon the Unemployed Person to remain unemployed, and looking for employment, in order gain access to serioius job openings and their next Commission.
Because Employment Thieves are attached to any place of work, education, or even by references on the Job Seekers resume, real employment becomes almost impossible to achieve.
The Employment Thief receives a salary from their job, and commissions for job placements, and without the victims knowledge that he or she has lost their opportunity for employment by way of obstructive intervention.
When employment is a referral, and interview is created from Social Employment Planners/ Networks, the Employment Thief intercepts the job placement through the a general examination verification of the Unemployed Persons Resume. Through intercepting the Job Placement, they are able to have a dialogue with Personal, and adovate for their Client. They receive an instant commission by placing their Client in the job that would have been that of the Long Term Unemployed Neighborhood Resident.
The Job Thief steals from the hard work of the Employment Networker/Planner through the Unemployed Individual as the Client of the Networker. The Unemployed Indivdual must have something in common with the Job Thiefs Clients which readily connects their Clients to the type of employment experience that matches that of the Job Seeker. This may involved recruiting their Clients who are searching in the same profession as the Job Seeker.
Social Employment Networker/Planner job referral gets intercepted by the Employment Thief, creating employment losses for both the Employment Networkers Referrals listing, and the long term Unemployed Community Resident. The Employment Thief is connecting to and intercepting the hard work of the Social Employment Networker/Planner and may further negotiate to be connected with the Employers Networks where he or she might know someone who is looking to fill a job. Communications and Networking available to the Social Employment Networker/Planner, is shared with the Employment Thief.
Social Employment Networkers, can save the day by allowing direct hiring through negotiations with Company or Business Employers, and also from within their referral or employment network, to be an exclusive Personnel Agency for their group of companies. Social Employment Networkers/Planners can offer lower wages for six months, and then regular wages there after to help people hold on to employment. In addition, the Employer agrees to expose suspicious employment theift confidentiality to the Social Employment Networker.
Employees must agree not to reveal the place of work until they are permanently employed, and for one year after employment. This blocks off negative, and intrusive drama of interception by Employment Theives, who operate for selfish purposes.
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Social Employment Networkers must establish realistic techniques for those who are vicitms of Long Term Unemployment, by keeping their personal information private, and out of the hand of unscrupulous people engaged in stealing employment, and searching for employment from the Long Term Unemployed as their intended victim.
Communities seeking to define themselves have greater opportunities to express their creativity, cluture, and productivity by maintaining long term employment over long term unemployment, by contolling this sort of invasion of their future. Social Employment Networkers can overcome the negative effects of Long Term unemployment and dependency of their Neighborhood and or Community Residence by negotitating for exclusive employment on behalf of the Long Term Unemployed. Long term Unemployment creates consequences that destorys families and communities. Maintaining a decent standard of living is possible by advocating employment for all who want to work, and who want to maintain a decent standard of living inspite of any unforseen obstacles. Social Employment Networkers/Planners, can help pave the way for a better future, and a improved standard of living in this area.